Truck Driving Schools
Are you looking to find the best truck driving school? If getting a CDL license and becoming a truck driver is a part of your future, then trucking school is the way to go.
At an accredited truck driving school, you'll learn what it takes to get your CDL permit and obtain the basic skills to pass the CDL test. In addition to that, many trucking schools will help you find your first driving job.
So, if you've decided truck driving school is for you - how do you go about picking the best one? Here is a list of 5 things to look for in a trucking school.
5 Things To Look For In A Truck Driving School
Quality of Training
A new driver's skills are only as good as the training received. Look for a state-licensed program that combines classroom knowledge with hands-on experience learned on the range and road.
Job Opportunity
What good is a CDL if you can't make any money with it? The best truck driving schools provide assistance in finding a great paying job opportunity once CDL training is complete.
Cost of Training
Paying for truck driving school out of pocket isn't an option for most people. Find a program that offers a CDL training sponsorship that allows new drivers to get started with little to no upfront tuition costs.
Length of School
Steer clear of schools that promise a CDL in a week or so. Learning to drive an 80,000 lbs tractor-trailer takes some time. Reputable truck driving schools usually last around 3-4 weeks.
School Location
Keep in mind that the best truck driving school may not be just down the road. In fact, the cheapest, closest, and most convenient school isn't always the best option. If that's the case, just think of traveling to school as the first road trip on the journey to becoming a truck driver.